Monday, 25 January 2016

When you celebrate New Year's with YFU

Laupäeval oli iga-aastane YFU new year's reception. Kaheksaks kogunesime sinna ja see polnud mõeldud ainult vahetusõpulastele ja nende paredele, vaid ka nendele kes on kunagi olnud võpid, need kes alles lähevad võpiks ja ka nende peredele. Üks igati mõnus õhtu oli jälle ja nagu ka piltidelt näha, siis oli seal üks photobooth püsti pandud kus sai väga palju nalja. Ja vahepeal saime ka rääkida võpidega kes alles vahetusaastale lähevad ja neile veidi tippe jagada, suht crazy on mõelda, et nüüd olen mina selles rollis, kes nõuandeid annab, selline tunne nagu oleks ise alles olnud see nõuannete vastuvõtja eelmistelt võpidelt. 

Pühapäeva hommikul ärkasin koos Debi ja Malviinaga, sest nad olid meile ööseks jäänud. Kõigepealt hommikul küpsetasime koos Sinterklaasi küpsiseid, mille taigna me olime ostnud oktoobri lõpus, nüüd lõpuks leidis see kasutust ka :D Peale seda sõime veel kõik koos lõunat ja siis läksime kolmekesi linna peale, kõige pealt kohvikusse ja kuna Flandria pool on nii lumevaene (täna oli +13 kraadi, täitsa lõpp, täielik kevade tunne oli, linnud ka laulsid isegi), siis tegime hoopis ise fake lund. 

  • Millalgi lõikasin juuksed ka mingi 12cm lühemaks, lihtsalt annan teada, sest see mu enda jaoks päris suur muutus :D
  • Millalgi eelmine nädal oli meil kahel päeval 3 studie tundi. Studie tund on siis, kui aineõpetaja puudub, siis tuleb mõni teine õpetaja klassi ja lihtsalt hoiab silma peal, et keegi telefoni ei kasutaks või väga valjult ei räägiks (pole vist aja mainida, et enamused korrad see läbi ei lähe) aga iseenesest pole mul midagi nende tundide vastu, aga kui neid ikka 3 tundi järjest on, siis viskab kopa vaikselt ette küll, eriti veel siis, kui need on 3 viimast tundi, sest jah, kooli ustest ei tohi kedagi enne kella 4 välja lasta. Hästi tore onju :))))))

On Saturday YFU hosted its annual New Year's reception and it wasn't only meant for current exchange students and their hostfamilies but also the students who have returned from their year and for those who are still going on their exchange year, and their parents. It was such a cool evening and as you can see from the pictures below, we had a lot of fun in the photobooth. We also talked to the students who are starting their year next year and gave them some advice, it's crazy how now I'm the person who's giving advice, even though it feels like not at all long ago I was the one who was receiving advice.

On Sunday I woke up with Debi and Malviina, they had stayed over for a sleepover. In the morning we made sinterklaas cookies that we had bought in the end of October, now finally we had time to actually make them :D After that we had lunch and then headed to town, first to a cafe, and since Flanders is very much lacking of snow, we decided to make our own. (Today we had +13 degrees, it really feels like spring here, even the birds were singing)

  • Few days ago I cut my hair about 12cm shorter, idk it's a big deal for me so I thought you might want to know too
  • Some time last week we had two days with 3 hours of studie class. Studie is when your own teacher is not at school and then some other teacher is keeping their eye on the class, making sure nobody's using phones or talking to loud (probably no need to mention that this attempt is not very successful) but I don't really mind studie class, just that when there's 3 studies in a row, and they're the last 3 classes of the day, then it's not the most enjoyable thing. Because yes in our school there's this rule that nobody gets out of school before it's 4pm, even if your last 3 classes are cancelled :)))))

we've got the coolest host parents

What are we doing during studie classes:

friggen origami because why not

Tipp-ex on corrector btw, ma juba näen kuidas ma hakkan eestis kogu aeg teistelt küsima et ou kas sul tipp-exi on ja kõik peale Hele on siis mega confused näoga :D

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